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Information About Prostate Cancer That Was Best Kept Secret.

By Adelbert Botfield

The prostate is a small, walnut-sized structure that makes up part of a man's reproductive system; it wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body - because of this can cause various urinary problems. Early prostate cancer is confined to the prostate gland itself; most of the patients with this type of cancer can live for years without any problems. Detected in its early stages, prostate cancer can be effectively treated and cured.

First and most important is age. Age is the single greatest reason men get prostate cancer, and it increases almost exponentially the older they get. If you are between they age of 60 and 80, there is a one in six chance you will get it.

Some men will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. There are other symptoms that may not be mentioned here. Having one or more cancer symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer.

Most often in prostate cancer this process of tumour growth followed by invasion then metastasis is relatively slow and can occur over many months or years. This is why some men may have prostate cancer but never have a problem because of it i.e. their prostate cancer grows so slowly that other diseases or illnesses (e.g. heart attack or stroke) cause problems or even death before the prostate cancer has developed far enough to cause symptoms or spread from the prostate. With modern treatments many men with early prostate cancer can be cured and in many more the prostate cancer can be controlled and the invasion process slowed even more. Prostate cancer survival rates vary widely around the world, although detection in 3rd World countries is often poorly catalogued.

Recent studies have shown that men with African ancestry are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as white men, and white men are twice as likely as Asian men. Why this should be so is not immediately clear, and it may be complicated; having to do with diet and lifestyle as well as dominant malfunctioning genes.

A PSA test with a high level can also be from a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. CT scans may be done to see if the cancer has metastasized (spread). There are several potential downsides to PSA testing; for example a high PSA does not always mean a patient has prostate cancer.

The approaches to treatment include: just ever watchful waiting to see whether the cancer is growing slowly and not causing any symptoms. An oncologist, a cancer specialist, will usually recommend treating with a single drug or a combination of drugs. What you can do now is begin to understand what exactly your treatment options are and where you're going to begin.

Again, doesn't tell us a whole lot, does it? And "studies" are notorious for giving everyone conflicting results. Remember Joe Jackson's song "Everything Gives You Cancer."

Some drugs with numerous side effects are being used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration; it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes. OHSU is beginning a study of acupuncture as a treatment for hot flashes for men with prostate cancer or prostate cancer survivors. Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire.


So it seems to be premature to move outside of these two areas of the world. But how about avoiding prostate cancer by already having another common disease in men?

If possible eliminate all hormone-containing foods like meat and dairy from your diet. Studies done on antioxidant vitamins question their value when not contained in food; it's clearly better to consume these antioxidants in living foods because they may also need to work with other nutrients present in the foods to work properly. Put two tablespoons of unbleached, unrefined and undeodorized coconut oil in your smoothies; coconut oil is plant-based, not animal-based and is actually good for us.

Get familiar with juicing and juice every day for an extra phytonutrient boost. If you're not already doing so, make a serious effort to watch your diet closely. A good dietary, natural treatment approach is to avoid all acidic inflammatory foods; those are foods that aren't alive.

So where does all this mess leave us?

And if you're a man older than 50 who has never been screened for prostate cancer (by rectal exam and/or PSA level determination) or not had a regular annual exam, or have had a family history of prostate cancer, make an appointment soon. While the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer remains high, survival rates are also greatly improving; perhaps because of dietary improvement.

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Taking Advantage Of The Best Cancer Social Network

By Cecile Ingram

Coping with a serious illness is always very tough, this is especially true when the announcement came out of nowhere. Dealing with the possibility of you losing the battle can be very painful. It is important that you will know though that you can always refer to proper cancer social network that will help make it easier for you to deal with things moving forward.

It is expected that anybody who would be served with such a news will feel very much devastated. Being told that you have this illness and that you obviously only have this much time to live can cause such an effect to people. But having the right people, the right individuals who can help you plow through every single day is going to help make things a lot more bearable for you.

Do make sure that you will be able get as much information as you can about the disease. Addressing it, its symptoms, its effects, and such other factors related to it will be easier if you have a book-full of knowledge about them. You need to make the right choices. There are hard decisions for you to make along the way. Making sure that you're able to make a very informed one is critical.

You might want to ask for a second opinion before you will decide on what your next steps are going to be. You need assurance that you will only be able to opt for the assistance of those medical practitioners who can give you their diagnosis to ensure that indeed, the first diagnosis that you got is indeed right. There were instances when others were just misdiagnosed.

One the diagnosis has been finalized, ask about your choices., you need to know what options you have in order for you to address the likely needs you will develop under the influence of the disease. Know what you need to get. Know what sessions you have to undergo. Thus, if there is a chance for you to recover, then you can easily do so.

Know about the effects of the treatment that will be carried out by the professionals who'll be assisting you. You need assurance that all these sessions that you will need to undergo will have some sense in them. You want assurance that the side effects, if there are any will be properly explained to you ahead of time. If anything, you need them to give you an idea of what to expect ahead of time.

Ensure that you get to practice a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to dealing with these kinds of diseases, is always critical that you're able to maintain proper lifestyle. Making sure that you eat the right food and go for those practices that will help you feel healthier is always essential. After all, the last thing you want is for the sickness to worsen unnecessarily.

You know that you have to refer to the right professionals. You must make sure that when dealing with the issues concerning the disease, you want to make sure that you are able to opt for a choice that can be expected to deliver to you the assistance that you think is really suitable considering your current needs. You can improve the function of your cancer social network this way.

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Important Information About Mammography San Diego CA Residents Need To Know

By Helene Norris

Mammography is a special technique that involves the X-ray imaging of breasts to detect any abnormalities or tumors that may be present in the breasts. It has been successful in the reduction of cancer related deaths by facilitating early detection of potential signs and symptoms. Patients are encouraged to gather information about the various services of mammography San Diego CA centers provide.

This technique is widely used for both diagnostic and screening purposes. Screening procedures focus on detecting breast cancer before clinical signs emerge. Diagnostic mammography is performed to analyze any changes that are suspicious. These include nipple thickening and discharge, unusual skin changes, pain, lumps among others. It is performed to investigate any suspicious occurrences on screening mammograms.

Women are encouraged to ensure they get screened for this condition. It is important to consult a doctor to find out the appropriate time to take this test. This test is particularly recommended for women who are nearing menopause and those with a family history of breast cancer. It can be complemented by magnetic resonance imaging which is even more effective.

There are several risks and limitations associated with mammograms. They expose women to small amounts of radiation which are harmful over time. The accuracy of this technique depends on breast density, skill and experience of the technician, age of the patient among others. This procedure is not very effective in young women. Their breasts have more glands and tissues making it difficult to interpret the results.

There are certain things patients are advised to check prior to the procedure. It is important to search for a certified facility that offers quality services. Substances such as deodorants, antiperspirants, powders, lotions and perfumes should be avoided since they may interfere with the results. Painkillers may be used to minimize any discomfort.

Patients wear gowns during the procedure. They are required to remove any jewelry worn around the neck region. The patient then stands in front of the X-ray machine. The technician adjusts the platform to suitable height and then places the affected breast on it. The patient has to be positioned to allow the technician to have an unobstructed view. Pressure is then applied on the breast to ensure the tissues are evenly spread out. It lasts for about 30 minutes.

The mammograms are interpreted by a radiologist. The radiologist makes recommendations based on the results obtained. If cancerous conditions or any areas of concern are noted on the mammogram, follow-up care, treatment or further tests are recommended. Possible findings include calcification, distorted tissues, lumps or masses. These conditions may require specialized tests such as biopsies and magnetic resonance imaging tests to make a conclusion.

Cancer patients experience numerous challenges. It is one of the most dreaded condition which affects not only the patient but also members of the family. Living with this condition requires numerous adjustments to be made to accommodate the patient. For this reason, any technique that reduces chances of developing breast cancer is very beneficial. Today, mammography San Diego CA based medical facilities employ the latest technology to offer better services to patients.

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